Detailed Information about the 4th ISC 2023


As digital finance continues to revolutionize the global financial landscape, it is essential to consider its implications within an Islamic worldview. With the integration of technology, Islamic financial institutions are increasingly adopting digital platforms to provide services that align with Islamic principles. However, this transition also calls for addressing critical aspects such as cybersecurity and data protection to safeguard the integrity, confidentiality, and trustworthiness of financial transactions. In this course, we will explore the enhanced role of digital finance, cybersecurity, and data protection within an Islamic worldview. Hence, our 4th International Short Course (ISC) 2023 will be a good place to share knowledge in this field. 

Welcome to the 4th International Short Course (ISC) 2023!

Courses offered

Participation program fees

Benefits you will get

Program Schedules

The Venue:

Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) & Integrated Kulliyyah Building (GKT) 

UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia